18:18:48.865 INFO Starting xsd2er application 18:18:49.086 INFO Starting with configuration # metadata path: jdbc:postgresql://dev.sonra.io/x2er user: flex2er password: *** enableCopy: false # api path: http://dev.sonra.io:8080 # imput data path: /mapr/dev.sonra.io/tmp/sepa/pain.001.001.03.xsd unref-root: true 18:18:49.098 INFO Job configuration update # schema org: 1 # metadata path: jdbc:postgresql://dev.sonra.io/x2er user: flex2er password: *** enableCopy: false # api path: http://dev.sonra.io:8080 # imput data path: /mapr/dev.sonra.io/tmp/sepa/pain.001.001.03.xsd unref-root: true 18:18:49.098 INFO Registering new job 18:18:49.352 INFO Parsing pain.001.001.03.xsd 18:18:49.580 INFO Linking pain.001.001.03.xsd 18:18:49.603 INFO Root elements: pain.001.001.03.xsd - Document 18:18:49.607 INFO Building metatada 18:18:49.686 INFO Writing metatada 18:18:50.048 INFO Registering success of job 3748 18:18:50.074 INFO Finished successfully in 1294 milliseconds # schema schemaXml: 1496 org: 1 job: 3748 elements: 940 # statistics load: 452 ms parse: 372 ms build: 83 ms write: 362 ms