Oracle EXTRACT & EXTRACTVALUE for XML (Guide & Examples)

Published on October 21, 2024

When you need to extract and/or query an Oracle database for XML data, there are two SQL functions that come to mind, ‘EXTRACT’ and ‘EXTRACTVALUE’. I’m going to delve into these two functions and provide some examples. But first, a note of caution:

Both EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE serve similar purposes, but they each have their own characteristics and are suited for different use cases.

Let’s take a look at how the EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE functions work, which will help you understand their subtle, but important differences. Then I’ll dive deep into a few use cases and examples.

Finally, I’ll wrap up the blog post with alternative methods of converting XML to Oracle tables and SQL.

Important note

Both EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE have been deprecated for newer versions than Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2). I recommend users to transition to alternative XML processing methods covered at the end of this article. EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE should only be used for legacy implementations and purposes.

Understanding Oracle SQL Functions – EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE for XML


Let’s first have a look at EXTRACT

Purpose: EXTRACT retrieves XML fragments from an XMLType instance

An XML fragment is just that, a fragment of an XML document with well-formed XML content in it, yet is not a complete document in itself. A complete XML document usually has a single root element, maybe a prolog, and follows a rigid structure. On the other hand a fragment can be a snippet of XML code representing part of a larger document.

Look at this well formed XML document

An XML fragment based on this XML document could look like this


This is an XML fragment because it shows only part of a bigger XML document.

Return type: XMLType

Syntax: EXTRACT(XMLType_instance, XPath_string [, namespace_string ])

Diagram of the EXTRACT function syntax, showing XMLType instance, XPath, and namespace.

Fig 1: XML Extraction Functions Overview

The syntax structure diagram illustrates the process of retrieving data from XML documents in Oracle using the SQL function EXTRACT. It returns an XML fragment as an Oracle XML data type.


XMLType_instance, XPath_string both are mandatory in the Extract Function. Parameter namespace_string is optional

Let’s go through an example with some sample XML data

Example query:



Purpose: Retrieves the text value of an XML fragment

Return Type: VARCHAR2

Syntax: EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType_instance, XPath_string [, namespace_string ])

Diagram of the EXTRACTVALUE function syntax showing XMLType instance, XPath, and namespace.

Fig 2: XML Extraction Functions Overview

The diagram above illustrates the process of retrieving data from XML documents in a database using SQL function EXTRACTVALUE and returns scalar values.

Note: XMLType_instance and XPath_string are mandatory in the EXTRACTVALUE Function. The parameter namespace_string is optional, just as in EXTRACT.



XPath and namespaces in EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE

Both the EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE functions accept an XPath and a namespace as parameters. Now, let’s take a look at Xpath and namespace in more detail.


XPath, (XML Path Language), is a query language that’s used with EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE for extraction of certain specific information from an XML document. It works by identifying and selecting nodes (elements, attributes, text) that are based on the hierarchical structure of the document.

EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE both support XPath 1.0, which is itself a subset of XPath. Therefore, some advanced XPath 1.0 features aren’t fully supported. The latest version of XPath is 2.0.

Supported Features:

  • Basic Path Expressions: You can select nodes using expressions like /, //, and specific node names.
  • Attribute Selection: Attributes can be selected using the @ symbol.

XPath expressions are formulated using a combination of path expressions and node tests. The basic syntax includes:

  • Relative XPath: Starts with double forward slashes //, allowing searches anywhere in the document. For instance, //name retrieves all name elements regardless of their position in the hierarchy.
  • Absolute XPath: Begins with a single forward slash /, indicating the root node. For example, /School/class/name selects the name element of all class nodes.

Example EXTRACT with relative XPath:

As you can see, this query uses the XPath expression //class/name to find all <name> elements that are children of <class> elements. The getStringVal() method converts the extracted XML nodes into string values.


Table showing CLASS_NAMES with values Advanced Mathematics and World History

Example: EXTRACTVALUE with absolute XPath:

The XPath expression(/student/name)[1] is used to select only the first <name> element under <student>. This allows for precise extraction of information based on attributes.


Table cell showing STUDENT_NAME with the value

XML namespaces

To avoid the element name conflicts that can occur with XML documents, I use XML namespaces. This allows me the ability to use prefixes linked to specific URIs, Uniform Resource Identifiers), to create a unique identifier for each element and attribute.

For example, when combining XML documents from different sources or apps, this can be very useful.It’s not uncommon to have elements that have the same name but different structures or meanings, which can cause confusion.

Namespaces are defined using the xmlns attribute, either with a prefix (e.g., xmlns:prefix=”URI”) for specific elements or as a default namespace (xmlns=”URI”) for all child elements.

By using namespaces, developers can ensure that their XML documents remain unambiguous and can be correctly interpreted by parsers and applications.


You should use EXTRACT when you need the full context of the data within its XML structure. For instance, if you’re working with complex XML documents where relationships between elements are important.

You should use EXTRACTVALUE for queries where you only need specific values. For example, extracting a single value like a product price or order number without needing additional context.

Here is a comparison table that shows the differences between EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE


Return Data Type




XML document(XML data)

XML document(XML data)


XML fragment with tags

Text content only

Use Case

When XML structure is needed

When only text value is needed

Data Handling

It operates on a single column

It can navigate complex XML structures.


EXTRACT(XMLType_instance, XPath_string [, namespace_string ])

EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType_instance, XPath_string [, namespace_string ])

Oracle EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE Examples for XML

In this section I’ve compiled some common scenarios, use cases, and examples for using EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUES

I’ve created two XML sample files. One sample without namespaces and a second example that contains namespaces.

Sample XML 1 without namespaces:

Step 1: Creating a table for XML data named xml_table_sample1.

Step 2: Inserting data into xml_table_sample1

Sample XML 2 with namespaces:

Step 1: Creating a table for XML data named xml_table_sample2.

Step 2: Inserting Data into xml_table_sample2:


Extracting the value of a tag is the simplest, most basic use of the EXTRACTVALUE function.

Tags (or elements) are components of XML that define the document’s structure. They can hold text or other tags (or sometimes both). Every tag has an opening tag (e.g., <person>) as well as a closing tag (e.g., </person>).

Example code: – Extracting the Teacher Name for the class Id – “C001”

  • This string, ‘/school/classes/class[1]/students/student[1]/name’ for example, is an XPath expression that will specify the correct path to the specific element in the XML document you’re looking for.
  • /school: This indicates the start of the root element <school>.
  • /classes: This navigates down to the <classes> child element within <school>.
  • /class[1]: This selects the first <class> element (indexing starts at 1).
  • /students: This navigates to the <students> child element of that class.
  • /student[1]: This selects the first <student> element within that class.
  • /name: Finally, this retrieves the content of the <name> element nested within that specific student.


Table showing STUDENT_NAME Rick Grimes

Example 2: EXTRACTVALUE Attribute

Attributes are pieces of additional information which provide specific details about elements and are always a name-value pair. The name identifies the attribute’s, and the value is the data or information that goes with that name. Take a look at this example.

Example code: – Extracting the First Student’s id Attribute

  • The string ‘/school/classes/class[@id=”C001″]/@id’ is an XPath expression that specifies how to locate a specific attribute in the XML document.
  • /school: This indicates the start of the root element <school>.
  • /classes: This navigates down to the <classes> child element within <school>.
  • /class[@id=”C001″]: This selects a specific <class> element that has an attribute id with the value “C001”. The @ symbol denotes that we are referring to an attribute rather than a child element.
  • /@id: Finally, this retrieves the value of the id attribute of that specific class..


Table cell showing CLASS_ID with the value C001

Example 3: EXTRACTVALUE from file

I’ve created an XML file and used SQL*Loader to upload this file to Oracle. I’ll then use EXTRACTVALUE in this example.

Step 1. Create a table with XMLType data type to store XML data.

Step 2. Prepare a control file (.ctl) for the SQL*Loader

Step 3. Run below SQL*Loader command to load sample.xml file into the xml_tab1 table.



Table cell showing CLASS_NAME with the value Advanced Mathematics.

Example 4: EXTRACTVALUE Namespace

As I’ve mentioned, namespaces are used in XML to prevent naming conflicts and to define a scope for element and attribute names. When an XML document uses namespaces its elements are often prefixed or associated with a URI.

In the XML data above, the default namespace is http://teresian.com/school, and there is an additional namespace for elements prefixed with “extra”.

Example code: To extract gender and hobby of the first student:

The following query extracts the gender and hobby of the first student in the first class. The first EXTRACTVALUE call retrieves the gender and the second EXTRACTVALUE call retrieves the hobby of the first student and both XPath expressions include a namespace declaration: (xmlns=”http://teresian.com/school“) (xmlns:extra=”http://teresian.com/extra”‘) of the first student:


Table showing FIRST_STUDENT_GENDER as Male and FIRST_STUDENT_HOBBY as Leadership


A data type used in Oracle to store large amounts of character data, (up to 4 GB) is known as a CLOB (Character Large Object). Basically it’s a container for text data, anything from XML content to long documents. While XML is a data format, CLOB is a storage type. A CLOB can contain XML, as well as other types of text data.

Pro tip

When working with Oracle, use XMLType data type instead of a CLOB to store XML data.

The above example query returns a single row with three columns: the class name with id “C001”, the ID and the hobby of the first student in the XML. Note that “first student” in this example means the first one in the XML structure, not necessarily the student with id “C001”.


Table showing CLASS_NAME Advanced Mathematics STUDENT_ID S001 STUDENT_HOBBY Leadership

Example 6: EXTRACTVALUE multiple nodes

In this example, EXTRACTVALUE is used to pull values from multiple nodes in the XML data stored in the xml_table.

This example query will return a single row with six columns, each containing specific values extracted from the XML data.

The class_name column will hold the name of the first class in the <classes> section, while the teacher_name column will display the name of the teacher for that class.

The student_name column will show the name of the first student in the first class, and the student_age column will provide the age of that student.

Additionally, the student_gender column will display the gender of the first student, and the student_hobby column will contain the hobby of the same student.


Table showing class name Advanced Mathematics teacher Prof. Einstein student Rick Grimes age 35.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE are legacy functions for working with XML in Oracle. They have some severe limitations because of this.

  • XPath support: Both EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE functions support a subset of XPath 1.0 only. Because of this, more advanced XPath features (like XPath 2.0 functions, expressions, and constructs) aren’t available. For example, complex queries that involve functions like concat(), contains(), or expressions that use advanced operators (for, some, every, etc.) cannot be used with these functions.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Both functions can be slow, particularly when dealing with large XML documents or large datasets with many rows. Since these functions are not designed for high-performance querying, using them on large-scale XML data can result in significant overhead and slower queries.
  • Repeated Parsing: Every time you call EXTRACT or EXTRACTVALUE, Oracle parses the XML document to retrieve the result. This repeated parsing degrades performance when querying the same document multiple times, especially in larger datasets.
  • Legacy: As of Oracle 12c, EXTRACTVALUE has been officially deprecated. Oracle now recommends using XMLQuery and XMLTable for XML processing because they offer better performance and more flexibility.
  • Handling of Large Data: Both EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE have limitations when dealing with very large XML data. When extracting data, especially scalar values using EXTRACTVALUE, the size of the returned value is limited by the maximum length of Oracle’s VARCHAR2 (up to 4000 bytes in SQL and 32767 bytes in PL/SQL).
  • Limited XML Functionality: These functions are mainly designed for simple data retrieval, making them less suitable for complex XML transformations or handling large hierarchical XML structures.

While they still have their uses in certain situations, I’ve recommended some alternatives for you due to limitations you might encounter when using EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE.

They offer more robust and efficient ways to handle XML data compared to the deprecated functions EXTRACT and EXTRACTVALUE.

I have written a separate blog post about parsing and converting XML to Oracle tables where I discuss the recommended Oracle way of working with XML in detail.


XMLTable is an SQL/XML function that allows for querying XML data using SQL syntax. It converts XML data into a relational format, making it easier to query and manipulate.

Example code: – It retrieve the names and ages of all students, along with their class name


Table showing CLASS_NAME Advanced Mathematics and World History with student names and ages

For a more detailed explanation of XMLTable refer to my other blog post where I cover even more XMLTable examples.


XMLQUERY embeds XQuery expressions in SQL statements, replacing the deprecated EXTRACT function and allowing querying of XML data with results returned as XML.

Example Code:


Table cell showing STUDENT_NAMES with the value XML

Output Value:

XMLCAST used with XMLQUERY casts XML data to SQL data types such as VARCHAR2.

Example code: It extract the age of a specific student, such as “Rick Grimes” and casts to VARCHAR2(100)


Table showing FIRST_CLASS_NAME Advanced Mathematics

XML converters

For complex XML conversion tasks, using an XML converter tool such as Flexter can be a smart choice over manual coding with Oracle’s native features.

XML conversion tools save you time and effort by automating the process, reducing project risks, and speeding up the conversion. This means you can make your data available to decision-makers much faster.

Plus, they handle large data sets more efficiently, making the process smoother and easier to scale as your needs grow. Overall, an XML converter simplifies your project and gets results quicker.

Sonra’s Flexter automates converting complex XML and JSON into easy-to-use formats. It works on-premise or in the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure) and supports various databases like Oracle, Snowflake, BigQuery, and more.

Flexter handles everything automatically, including data lineage and models, optimizing the data for clarity. It can be set up quickly, helping you go live in just hours or days instead of weeks.

Talk to one of our XML conversion experts to discuss your XML conversion use case and get personalised advice.

Further reading








XPath & namespaces




