Parsing XML to Oracle. ODI vs Flexter Enterprise XML Parser

In some previous posts we demonstrated how to load XML data into an Oracle database using ODI. We first looked at some of the issues when reverse engineering an XSD…
Maciek Kocon December 27, 2016

Tips for parsing and loading complex NDC XML files in ODI

This is the second part in a multi part series on XML processing in ODI. In our previous post Tips for Reverse Engineering complex XSDs such as SEPA and NDC…
Maciek Kocon December 21, 2016

Tips for Reverse Engineering complex XSDs such as SEPA and NDC in ODI

In this post we will show you a few tips and ODI issues when reverse engineering complex industry XML schemas (XSD) such as NDC FlightPriceRS or SEPA Pain.001. This is…
Maciek Kocon December 19, 2016

No Code XML Conversion to Oracle

In a previous post we demonstrated how to use Flexter to convert XML data into TSV files.This was just an introduction demonstrating some basic features of Flexter including concepts around…
Maciek Kocon December 16, 2016

Converting Complex XML to CSV: A Practical Guide

Have you ever tried to process data in XML? Did you have to load its values into a relational database or simply convert it to plain CSV? What if I…
Maciek Kocon November 28, 2016

Take the pain out of XML processing on Spark.

Note: We have written an updated version of this post that shows XML conversion on Spark to Parquet with code samples. Did you ever have to process XML files? Complex…
Maciek Kocon September 8, 2016