How to Parse & Flatten XML in Snowflake With Examples

In this post we cover every detail of parsing XML in Snowflake including storing, loading, querying, and parsing XML. Very few cloud data platforms have native support for parsing XML.…
abbi June 3, 2024

Best Way to Load & Convert XML Data to Oracle Tables

It's very easy to get lost in the Oracle features for working with XML. The following questions come up frequently: What are my options for working with XML in Oracle?…
abbi March 4, 2024

How to Parse XML Data in SQL Server

The many options available for loading, querying, shredding, and converting XML on SQL Server can often be overwhelming for beginners. SQLXML, XPath, XQuery, OPENXML, FOR XML, OPENROWSET, BULK INSERT are…
abbi January 25, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to XML Mapping in 2024

XML mapping is a critical process in data integration, ETL, and system interoperability. As an architect, analyst, engineer, or manager involved in XML mapping projects, you're likely familiar with the…
abbi January 11, 2024

XML Converters & Conversion – Ultimate Guide (2024)

Are you looking for an XML converter or XML conversion tool for enterprise use cases? Are you looking for advice and tips and tricks for an XML conversion project? If…
abbi October 4, 2023

Converting Duck Creek XML to a relational database

Duck Creek makes extensive use of XML. All Policy data is locked away in XML just to give one example. XML is a great format for exchanging data and for…
abbi October 18, 2022