Iceberg Ahead! All you need to know about Snowflake’s Polaris Catalog

What is the Polaris Catalog? At the Snowflake Summit 2024 Snowflake’s CEO Sridhar Ramaswamy announced the Polaris Catalog during the main keynote speech. The announcement around the Polaris Catalog has…
Kristijan Berta June 21, 2024

Data Orchestration Deep Dive Snowflake Tasks. An Airflow replacement? 

What are Snowflake Tasks Snowflake introduced Tasks for scheduling and orchestrating data pipelines and workflows in late 2019. The first release of Tasks only offered the option to schedule SQL…
Kristijan Berta May 3, 2024
XML Conversion Using Python

XML Conversion Using Python in 2024

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a common data format for data exchange and used in various industry data standards such as ISO 20022, HL7, ACORD just to name a few.…
Kristijan Berta March 21, 2024

9 Critical Types of XML Tools for Developers

Trying to code XML and XSDs by hand is really tedious. It can be easy to mess up, especially with more complex XML based on industry data standards. XML software…
Kristijan Berta February 9, 2024

How to Insert XML Data into SQL Table?

You have 3 options for inserting XML data into an SQL table. Schema on read: Import the XML document into an SQL database table without converting the data to a…
Kristijan Berta December 22, 2023

Should you Use Outsourced XML Conversion Services?

What is an XML conversion service? When companies need to process and convert XML documents they have two basic choices. They can either implement an XML conversion solution in-house with…
Kristijan Berta December 15, 2023