Top Articles

SQL Visualisation Guide – Query Diagrams, Lineage & ERD

Have you ever inherited the SQL codebase from someone else where it is in a “bit of a mess”? 😁 Sound familiar? Most data engineers and SQL developers have been there including myself—staring at a spaghetti-like web of queries, trying to untangle a chaotic SQL codebase. It’s a common nightmare. Traditionally, you had to fight …

Uli Bethke November 3, 2024

Recent Articles


Mastering SQL: How to detect and avoid 34+ Common SQL Antipatterns

Overview Are you looking for reasons why your SQL queries are slow or costly. Look no more. This blog post showcases a comprehensive list of 34 SQL antipatterns. Use it…
Uli Bethke December 6, 2023

Benchmarking Snowflake Native Apps

As a long time user of Snowflake we are impressed with the near unlimited scalability of the Snowflake Data Cloud. We were wondering if the same scalability and performance magic…
Uli Bethke November 20, 2023

SQL Challenge: Tackling the Island Problem in Time Series Data

Jump into our SQL Challenge! Today, we're exploring customer loyalty trends. Are you prepared to show off your SQL skills? About the quiz In this SQL pop quiz, we're challenging…
Uli Bethke November 7, 2023

Deep dive on SQL parsing on Teradata

This is the sixth article in our series on parsing SQL in different database technologies and SQL dialects. We explored SQL parsing on Snowflake, MS SQL Server, Oracle , Databricks…
Uli Bethke October 19, 2023

XML Converters & Conversion – Ultimate Guide (2025)

“Urgent XML Conversion Project – Need by End of Week”. “Just Convert this XML to SQL Tables. Should be Simple!” Sound familiar?  From my experience, XML conversion projects follow the…
Maciek October 4, 2023

AWS Athena SQL parser for table and column audit logging

This is the sixth article in our series on parsing SQL in different database technologies and SQL dialects. We explored SQL parsing on Snowflake, MS SQL Server, Oracle , Databricks…
Uli Bethke September 29, 2023