Canada Postal Code on Snowflake Marketplace

Overview Canada’s postal codes are alphanumeric, like Dutch, Irish, and British postcodes. Canadian postal codes are in the format A1A 1A1, where A is a letter and 1 is a…
Uli Bethke January 25, 2022

Administrative Boundaries USA

Overview The dataset Administrative Boundaries USA contains border information as polygons about the following divisions of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island areas (American…
Uli Bethke December 20, 2021

Snowflake vs. Redshift – Support for Handling JSON

ANSI SQL 2016 introduced support for querying JSON data directly from SQL. This is a common use case nowadays. JSON is everywhere in web based applications, IOT, NoSQL databases, and…
Uli Bethke June 22, 2021

Using Virtual Data Marts the right way

Virtual data marts can be a useful design pattern but there are a few things you should know before you use them. Virtual data marts are logical views dimensionally modelled…
Uli Bethke May 26, 2021

Converting XML to Snowflake Vs. Redshift, BigQuery, Azure Synapse (Guide)

With the growth of data, variety in data formats, and cloud computing, there's an increased need for storing and analysing the rising volume of semi-structured data. The data originating from…
abbi May 24, 2021

Guide to Geography Dimension on the Snowflake Marketplace

We have published a universal Geography Dimension on the marketplace of the Snowflake Data Cloud. You can easily join the data with your in house data to look up location…
Uli Bethke February 3, 2021