Netherlands Open Map Data

Netherlands administrative boundaries and road network The data is organised across two themes. Administrative: This data set contains the polygons for Netherlands administrative boundaries at different levels. It includes the…
Uli Bethke May 18, 2023

Planet Earth Open Map Data

The data is based on OpenStreetMap and enriched with third party sources. It is organised across eleven themes. Each theme is organised by classes and subclasses. You can drill down…
Uli Bethke May 15, 2023

UK Open Map Data

UK administrative boundaries and road network The data is organised across two themes. Administrative: This data set contains the polygons for UK administrative boundaries at different levels. It includes the…
Uli Bethke May 8, 2023

Airport Codes

Overview Sonra has published a data set for airport codes on the Snowflake marketplace. Airport codes are used to distinguish airports around the world to ensure that there is no…
Uli Bethke December 22, 2022

Location analytics on Snowflake with OpenStreetMap, US property data, and our ready made Geography Dimension

We have made available a ready made Geography Dimension on the Snowflake Data Marketplace. The marketplace is one of the components of the Snowflake Data Cloud. It covers the first to…
Uli Bethke February 19, 2021

The Data Marketplace. A missing piece in modern data architecture

What is a Data Marketplace? Data Marketplaces are a relatively recent phenomenon in data management. They bring together providers and buyers of data. Organisations were able to buy data from…
Uli Bethke December 16, 2020