Converting XSD to database schema: your guide to creating relational models from XML

When it comes to turning your XML/XSD into a relational schema, you’ve got a few paths you can take: Straight from the XSD: This method covers all possible XPaths and…
Kristijan Berta April 7, 2020

Optimisation algorithms for converting XML and JSON to a relational format

Optimisation algorithms for converting XML and JSON to a relational format. Part 1 - Elevate Flexter, our data warehouse automation solution for the conversion of XML, JSON, industry data standards…
Kristijan Berta March 31, 2020

Converting and Querying TransXChange XML to a database (Maria DB)

In this post we will convert the TransXChange XML standard to a relational format on MariaDB. We will query the output with SQL to show the bus schedule (pick up…
Kristijan Berta November 1, 2019

Converting HR Open Standard XML to SQL Server

In this post we will guide you through the fast proces of how to convert HR Open Standard XML to SQL Server. For this process we will use Sonra’s data…
Kristijan Berta August 27, 2019

A Library for XML Data Standards

First things first. Before we dive into the various data standards let's first explain what XML is. XML is short for Extensible Markup Language. It is used to describe data.…
Kristijan Berta November 3, 2017

Convert XML Metadata of Tableau Workbooks (TWB) to Text

In this walkthrough, we will demonstrate the processing of tableau workbooks using Flexter. We will then load the output into Tableau to get an under the hood view of the…
Anvesh Gali October 31, 2017