Visualising XMLs and XSDs of common data standards using Flexter

Extensible Markup Language has become the norm for data transmission and other data related activities in a majority of organizations. XMLs provide developers with a flexible platform to configure and…
Anvesh Gali November 7, 2017

Convert XML Metadata of Tableau Workbooks (TWB) to Text

In this walkthrough, we will demonstrate the processing of tableau workbooks using Flexter. We will then load the output into Tableau to get an under the hood view of the…
Anvesh Gali October 31, 2017

Convert MISMO XML to Hive and Parquet

In this walkthrough, we will convert the MISMO (The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization) XML files to Parquet and query in Hive. The XML files are converted to Parquet using…
Anvesh Gali October 17, 2017

Convert IRS XML to PostgreSQL using Flexter Enterprise

Loading IRS Data into PostgreSQL database using Flexter Enterprise In this walkthrough, we load the IRS XML files into PostgreSQL database using Flexter Enterprise edition. Flexter Enterprise provisions users with…
Anvesh Gali August 28, 2017

Flexter, Informatica, and Redshift work Hand in Hand to convert ESMA XML

In this walk-through, we combine two powerful software platforms to present a highly efficient and user-friendly method to perform ETL of complex XML files. This implementation uses Flexter, which is…
Anvesh Gali August 17, 2017


Convert XML to Text. Load to S3. Query with Athena In this walk-through, we will demonstrate the process of loading XML data into Athena – a query engine on AWS.…
Anvesh Gali July 22, 2017